Source code for word2vec.wordvectors

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

    from sklearn.externals import joblib
    joblib = None

from word2vec.utils import unitvec

[docs]class WordVectors(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, vocab, vectors, clusters=None): """ Initialize a WordVectors class based on vocabulary and vectors This initializer precomputes the vectors of the vectors Parameters ---------- vocab : np.array 1d array with the vocabulary vectors : np.array 2d array with the vectors calculated by word2vec clusters : word2vec.WordClusters (optional) 1d array with the clusters calculated by word2vec """ self.vocab = vocab self.vectors = vectors self.clusters = clusters self.vocab_hash = {} for i, word in enumerate(vocab): self.vocab_hash[word] = i
[docs] def ix(self, word): """ Returns the index on self.vocab and `self.vectors` for `word` """ return self.vocab_hash[word]
def __getitem__(self, word): return self.get_vector(word) def __contains__(self, word): return word in self.vocab_hash
[docs] def get_vector(self, word): """ Returns the (vectors) vector for `word` in the vocabulary """ idx = self.ix(word) return self.vectors[idx]
[docs] def cosine(self, word, n=10): """ Cosine similarity. metric = dot(vectors_of_vectors, vectors_of_target_vector) Uses a precomputed vectors of the vectors Parameters ---------- word : string n : int, optional (default 10) number of neighbors to return Returns ------- 2 numpy.array: 1. position in self.vocab 2. cosine similarity """ metrics =, self[word].T) best = np.argsort(metrics)[::-1][1:n+1] best_metrics = metrics[best] return best, best_metrics
[docs] def analogy(self, pos, neg, n=10): """ Analogy similarity. Parameters ---------- pos : list neg : list Returns ------- 2 numpy.array: 1. position in self.vocab 2. cosine similarity Example ------- `king - man + woman = queen` will be: `pos=['king', 'woman'], neg=['man']` """ exclude = pos + neg pos = [(word, 1.0) for word in pos] neg = [(word, -1.0) for word in neg] mean = [] for word, direction in pos + neg: mean.append(direction * self[word]) mean = np.array(mean).mean(axis=0) metrics =, mean) best = metrics.argsort()[::-1][:n + len(exclude)] exclude_idx = [np.where(best == self.ix(word)) for word in exclude if self.ix(word) in best] new_best = np.delete(best, exclude_idx) best_metrics = metrics[new_best] return new_best[:n], best_metrics[:n]
[docs] def generate_response(self, indexes, metrics, clusters=True): ''' Generates a pure python (no numpy) response based on numpy arrays returned by `self.cosine` and `self.analogy` ''' if self.clusters and clusters: return np.rec.fromarrays((self.vocab[indexes], metrics, self.clusters.clusters[indexes]), names=('word', 'metric', 'cluster')) else: return np.rec.fromarrays((self.vocab[indexes], metrics), names=('word', 'metric'))
[docs] def to_mmap(self, fname): if not joblib: raise Exception("sklearn is needed to save as mmap") joblib.dump(self, fname)
[docs] def from_binary(cls, fname, vocabUnicodeSize=78, desired_vocab=None, encoding="utf-8"): """ Create a WordVectors class based on a word2vec binary file Parameters ---------- fname : path to file vocabUnicodeSize: the maximum string length (78, by default) desired_vocab: if set, this will ignore any word and vector that doesn't fall inside desired_vocab. Returns ------- WordVectors instance """ with open(fname, 'rb') as fin: header = fin.readline() vocab_size, vector_size = list(map(int, header.split())) vocab = np.empty(vocab_size, dtype='<U%s' % vocabUnicodeSize) vectors = np.empty((vocab_size, vector_size), dtype=np.float) binary_len = np.dtype(np.float32).itemsize * vector_size for i in range(vocab_size): # read word word = b'' while True: ch = if ch == b' ': break word += ch include = desired_vocab is None or word in desired_vocab if include: vocab[i] = word.decode(encoding) # read vector vector = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.float32) if include: vectors[i] = unitvec(vector) # newline if desired_vocab is not None: vectors = vectors[vocab != '', :] vocab = vocab[vocab != ''] return cls(vocab=vocab, vectors=vectors)
[docs] def from_text(cls, fname, vocabUnicodeSize=78, desired_vocab=None, encoding="utf-8"): """ Create a WordVectors class based on a word2vec text file Parameters ---------- fname : path to file vocabUnicodeSize: the maximum string length (78, by default) desired_vocab: if set, this will ignore any word and vector that doesn't fall inside desired_vocab. Returns ------- WordVectors instance """ with open(fname, 'rb') as fin: header = fin.readline() vocab_size, vector_size = list(map(int, header.split())) vocab = np.empty(vocab_size, dtype='<U%s' % vocabUnicodeSize) vectors = np.empty((vocab_size, vector_size), dtype=np.float) for i, line in enumerate(fin): line = line.decode(encoding).strip() parts = line.split(' ') word = parts[0] include = desired_vocab is None or word in desired_vocab if include: vector = np.array(parts[1:], dtype=np.float) vocab[i] = word vectors[i] = unitvec(vector) if desired_vocab is not None: vectors = vectors[vocab != '', :] vocab = vocab[vocab != ''] return cls(vocab=vocab, vectors=vectors)
[docs] def from_mmap(cls, fname): """ Create a WordVectors class from a memory map Parameters ---------- fname : path to file Returns ------- WordVectors instance """ memmaped = joblib.load(fname, mmap_mode='r+') return cls(vocab=memmaped.vocab, vectors=memmaped.vectors)