Many of these methods or variants thereof are available on the objects that contain an index (Series/Dataframe) and those should most likely be used before calling these methods directly.
Index |
Immutable ndarray implementing an ordered, sliceable set. |
Index.values |
return the underlying data as an ndarray |
Index.is_monotonic |
alias for is_monotonic_increasing (deprecated) |
Index.is_monotonic_increasing |
return if the index is monotonic increasing (only equal or |
Index.is_monotonic_decreasing |
return if the index is monotonic decreasing (only equal or |
Index.is_unique |
Index.has_duplicates |
Index.dtype |
Index.inferred_type |
Index.is_all_dates |
Index.shape |
return a tuple of the shape of the underlying data |
Index.nbytes |
return the number of bytes in the underlying data |
Index.ndim |
return the number of dimensions of the underlying data, |
Index.size |
return the number of elements in the underlying data |
Index.strides |
return the strides of the underlying data |
Index.itemsize |
return the size of the dtype of the item of the underlying data |
Index.base |
return the base object if the memory of the underlying data is |
Index.T |
return the transpose, which is by definition self |
Index.memory_usage ([deep]) |
Memory usage of my values |
Modifying and Computations
Index.all (*args, **kwargs) |
Return whether all elements are True |
Index.any (*args, **kwargs) |
Return whether any element is True |
Index.argmin ([axis]) |
return a ndarray of the minimum argument indexer |
Index.argmax ([axis]) |
return a ndarray of the maximum argument indexer |
Index.copy ([name, deep, dtype]) |
Make a copy of this object. |
Index.delete (loc) |
Make new Index with passed location(-s) deleted |
Index.drop (labels[, errors]) |
Make new Index with passed list of labels deleted |
Index.drop_duplicates (*args, **kwargs) |
Return Index with duplicate values removed |
Index.duplicated (*args, **kwargs) |
Return boolean np.array denoting duplicate values |
Index.equals (other) |
Determines if two Index objects contain the same elements. |
Index.factorize ([sort, na_sentinel]) |
Encode the object as an enumerated type or categorical variable |
Index.identical (other) |
Similar to equals, but check that other comparable attributes are |
Index.insert (loc, item) |
Make new Index inserting new item at location. |
Index.min () |
The minimum value of the object |
Index.max () |
The maximum value of the object |
Index.reindex (target[, method, level, ...]) |
Create index with target’s values (move/add/delete values as necessary) |
Index.repeat (n, *args, **kwargs) |
Repeat elements of an Index. |
Index.where (cond[, other]) |
New in version 0.19.0. |
Index.take (indices[, axis, allow_fill, ...]) |
return a new %(klass)s of the values selected by the indices |
Index.putmask (mask, value) |
return a new Index of the values set with the mask |
Index.set_names (names[, level, inplace]) |
Set new names on index. |
Index.unique () |
Return array of unique values in the object. |
Index.nunique ([dropna]) |
Return number of unique elements in the object. |
Index.value_counts ([normalize, sort, ...]) |
Returns object containing counts of unique values. |
Index.fillna ([value, downcast]) |
Fill NA/NaN values with the specified value |
Index.dropna ([how]) |
Return Index without NA/NaN values |
Index.astype (dtype[, copy]) |
Create an Index with values cast to dtypes. |
Index.tolist () |
return a list of the Index values |
Index.to_datetime ([dayfirst]) |
For an Index containing strings or datetime.datetime objects, attempt |
Index.to_series (**kwargs) |
Create a Series with both index and values equal to the index keys |
Index.argsort (*args, **kwargs) |
Returns the indices that would sort the index and its underlying data. |
Index.sort_values ([return_indexer, ascending]) |
Return sorted copy of Index |
Time-specific operations
Index.shift ([periods, freq]) |
Shift Index containing datetime objects by input number of periods and |
Combining / joining / set operations
Index.append (other) |
Append a collection of Index options together |
Index.join (other[, how, level, return_indexers]) |
this is an internal non-public method |
Index.intersection (other) |
Form the intersection of two Index objects. |
Index.union (other) |
Form the union of two Index objects and sorts if possible. |
Index.difference (other) |
Return a new Index with elements from the index that are not in other. |
Index.symmetric_difference (other[, result_name]) |
Compute the symmetric difference of two Index objects. |
Index.get_indexer (target[, method, limit, ...]) |
Compute indexer and mask for new index given the current index. |
Index.get_indexer_non_unique (target) |
return an indexer suitable for taking from a non unique index |
Index.get_level_values (level) |
Return vector of label values for requested level, equal to the length |
Index.get_loc (key[, method, tolerance]) |
Get integer location for requested label |
Index.get_value (series, key) |
Fast lookup of value from 1-dimensional ndarray. |
Index.isin (values[, level]) |
Compute boolean array of whether each index value is found in the passed set of values. |
Index.slice_indexer ([start, end, step, kind]) |
For an ordered Index, compute the slice indexer for input labels and |
Index.slice_locs ([start, end, step, kind]) |
Compute slice locations for input labels. |