8 DateOffset objects

In the preceding examples, we created DatetimeIndex objects at various frequencies by passing in frequency strings like ‘M’, ‘W’, and ‘BM to the freq keyword. Under the hood, these frequency strings are being translated into an instance of pandas DateOffset, which represents a regular frequency increment. Specific offset logic like “month”, “business day”, or “one hour” is represented in its various subclasses.

Class name Description
DateOffset Generic offset class, defaults to 1 calendar day
BDay business day (weekday)
CDay custom business day (experimental)
Week one week, optionally anchored on a day of the week
WeekOfMonth the x-th day of the y-th week of each month
LastWeekOfMonth the x-th day of the last week of each month
MonthEnd calendar month end
MonthBegin calendar month begin
BMonthEnd business month end
BMonthBegin business month begin
CBMonthEnd custom business month end
CBMonthBegin custom business month begin
SemiMonthEnd 15th (or other day_of_month) and calendar month end
SemiMonthBegin 15th (or other day_of_month) and calendar month begin
QuarterEnd calendar quarter end
QuarterBegin calendar quarter begin
BQuarterEnd business quarter end
BQuarterBegin business quarter begin
FY5253Quarter retail (aka 52-53 week) quarter
YearEnd calendar year end
YearBegin calendar year begin
BYearEnd business year end
BYearBegin business year begin
FY5253 retail (aka 52-53 week) year
BusinessHour business hour
CustomBusinessHour custom business hour
Hour one hour
Minute one minute
Second one second
Milli one millisecond
Micro one microsecond
Nano one nanosecond

The basic DateOffset takes the same arguments as dateutil.relativedelta, which works like:

In [1]: d = datetime(2008, 8, 18, 9, 0)

In [2]: d + relativedelta(months=4, days=5)
Out[2]: datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 23, 9, 0)

We could have done the same thing with DateOffset:

In [3]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import *

In [4]: d + DateOffset(months=4, days=5)
Out[4]: Timestamp('2008-12-23 09:00:00')

The key features of a DateOffset object are:

  • it can be added / subtracted to/from a datetime object to obtain a shifted date
  • it can be multiplied by an integer (positive or negative) so that the increment will be applied multiple times
  • it has rollforward and rollback methods for moving a date forward or backward to the next or previous “offset date”

Subclasses of DateOffset define the apply function which dictates custom date increment logic, such as adding business days:

class BDay(DateOffset):
"""DateOffset increments between business days"""
    def apply(self, other):
In [5]: d - 5 * BDay()
Out[5]: Timestamp('2008-08-11 09:00:00')

In [6]: d + BMonthEnd()
Out[6]: Timestamp('2008-08-29 09:00:00')

The rollforward and rollback methods do exactly what you would expect:

In [7]: d
Out[7]: datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 18, 9, 0)

In [8]: offset = BMonthEnd()

In [9]: offset.rollforward(d)
Out[9]: Timestamp('2008-08-29 09:00:00')

In [10]: offset.rollback(d)
Out[10]: Timestamp('2008-07-31 09:00:00')

It’s definitely worth exploring the pandas.tseries.offsets module and the various docstrings for the classes.

These operations (apply, rollforward and rollback) preserves time (hour, minute, etc) information by default. To reset time, use normalize=True keyword when creating the offset instance. If normalize=True, result is normalized after the function is applied.

In [11]: day = Day()

In [12]: day.apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01 09:00'))
Out[12]: Timestamp('2014-01-02 09:00:00')

In [13]: day = Day(normalize=True)

In [14]: day.apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01 09:00'))
Out[14]: Timestamp('2014-01-02 00:00:00')

In [15]: hour = Hour()

In [16]: hour.apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01 22:00'))
Out[16]: Timestamp('2014-01-01 23:00:00')

In [17]: hour = Hour(normalize=True)

In [18]: hour.apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01 22:00'))
Out[18]: Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00')

In [19]: hour.apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01 23:00'))
Out[19]: Timestamp('2014-01-02 00:00:00')

8.1 Parametric offsets

Some of the offsets can be “parameterized” when created to result in different behaviors. For example, the Week offset for generating weekly data accepts a weekday parameter which results in the generated dates always lying on a particular day of the week:

In [20]: d
Out[20]: datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 18, 9, 0)

In [21]: d + Week()
Out[21]: Timestamp('2008-08-25 09:00:00')

In [22]: d + Week(weekday=4)
Out[22]: Timestamp('2008-08-22 09:00:00')

In [23]: (d + Week(weekday=4)).weekday()
Out[23]: 4

In [24]: d - Week()
Out[24]: Timestamp('2008-08-11 09:00:00')

normalize option will be effective for addition and subtraction.

In [25]: d + Week(normalize=True)
Out[25]: Timestamp('2008-08-25 00:00:00')

In [26]: d - Week(normalize=True)
Out[26]: Timestamp('2008-08-11 00:00:00')

Another example is parameterizing YearEnd with the specific ending month:

In [27]: d + YearEnd()
Out[27]: Timestamp('2008-12-31 09:00:00')

In [28]: d + YearEnd(month=6)
Out[28]: Timestamp('2009-06-30 09:00:00')

8.2 Using offsets with Series / DatetimeIndex

Offsets can be used with either a Series or DatetimeIndex to apply the offset to each element.

In [29]: rng = pd.date_range('2012-01-01', '2012-01-03')

In [30]: s = pd.Series(rng)

In [31]: rng
Out[31]: DatetimeIndex(['2012-01-01', '2012-01-02', '2012-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

In [32]: rng + DateOffset(months=2)
Out[32]: DatetimeIndex(['2012-03-01', '2012-03-02', '2012-03-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

In [33]: s + DateOffset(months=2)
0   2012-03-01
1   2012-03-02
2   2012-03-03
dtype: datetime64[ns]

In [34]: s - DateOffset(months=2)
0   2011-11-01
1   2011-11-02
2   2011-11-03
dtype: datetime64[ns]

If the offset class maps directly to a Timedelta (Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Micro, Milli, Nano) it can be used exactly like a Timedelta - see the Timedelta section for more examples.

In [35]: s - Day(2)
0   2011-12-30
1   2011-12-31
2   2012-01-01
dtype: datetime64[ns]

In [36]: td = s - pd.Series(pd.date_range('2011-12-29', '2011-12-31'))

In [37]: td
0   3 days
1   3 days
2   3 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]

In [38]: td + Minute(15)
0   3 days 00:15:00
1   3 days 00:15:00
2   3 days 00:15:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]

Note that some offsets (such as BQuarterEnd) do not have a vectorized implementation. They can still be used but may calculate significantly slower and will raise a PerformanceWarning

In [39]: rng + BQuarterEnd()
Out[39]: DatetimeIndex(['2012-03-30', '2012-03-30', '2012-03-30'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

8.3 Custom Business Days (Experimental)

The CDay or CustomBusinessDay class provides a parametric BusinessDay class which can be used to create customized business day calendars which account for local holidays and local weekend conventions.

As an interesting example, let’s look at Egypt where a Friday-Saturday weekend is observed.

In [40]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessDay

In [41]: weekmask_egypt = 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu'

# They also observe International Workers' Day so let's
# add that for a couple of years
In [42]: holidays = ['2012-05-01', datetime(2013, 5, 1), np.datetime64('2014-05-01')]

In [43]: bday_egypt = CustomBusinessDay(holidays=holidays, weekmask=weekmask_egypt)

In [44]: dt = datetime(2013, 4, 30)

In [45]: dt + 2 * bday_egypt
Out[45]: Timestamp('2013-05-05 00:00:00')

Let’s map to the weekday names

In [46]: dts = pd.date_range(dt, periods=5, freq=bday_egypt)

In [47]: pd.Series(dts.weekday, dts).map(pd.Series('Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun'.split()))
2013-04-30    Tue
2013-05-02    Thu
2013-05-05    Sun
2013-05-06    Mon
2013-05-07    Tue
Freq: C, dtype: object

As of v0.14 holiday calendars can be used to provide the list of holidays. See the holiday calendar section for more information.

In [48]: from pandas.tseries.holiday import USFederalHolidayCalendar

In [49]: bday_us = CustomBusinessDay(calendar=USFederalHolidayCalendar())

# Friday before MLK Day
In [50]: dt = datetime(2014, 1, 17)

# Tuesday after MLK Day (Monday is skipped because it's a holiday)
In [51]: dt + bday_us
Out[51]: Timestamp('2014-01-21 00:00:00')

Monthly offsets that respect a certain holiday calendar can be defined in the usual way.

In [52]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessMonthBegin

In [53]: bmth_us = CustomBusinessMonthBegin(calendar=USFederalHolidayCalendar())

# Skip new years
In [54]: dt = datetime(2013, 12, 17)

In [55]: dt + bmth_us
Out[55]: Timestamp('2014-01-02 00:00:00')

# Define date index with custom offset
In [56]: pd.DatetimeIndex(start='20100101',end='20120101',freq=bmth_us)
DatetimeIndex(['2010-01-04', '2010-02-01', '2010-03-01', '2010-04-01',
               '2010-05-03', '2010-06-01', '2010-07-01', '2010-08-02',
               '2010-09-01', '2010-10-01', '2010-11-01', '2010-12-01',
               '2011-01-03', '2011-02-01', '2011-03-01', '2011-04-01',
               '2011-05-02', '2011-06-01', '2011-07-01', '2011-08-01',
               '2011-09-01', '2011-10-03', '2011-11-01', '2011-12-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='CBMS')


The frequency string ‘C’ is used to indicate that a CustomBusinessDay DateOffset is used, it is important to note that since CustomBusinessDay is a parameterised type, instances of CustomBusinessDay may differ and this is not detectable from the ‘C’ frequency string. The user therefore needs to ensure that the ‘C’ frequency string is used consistently within the user’s application.

8.4 Business Hour

The BusinessHour class provides a business hour representation on BusinessDay, allowing to use specific start and end times.

By default, BusinessHour uses 9:00 - 17:00 as business hours. Adding BusinessHour will increment Timestamp by hourly. If target Timestamp is out of business hours, move to the next business hour then increment it. If the result exceeds the business hours end, remaining is added to the next business day.

In [57]: bh = BusinessHour()

In [58]: bh
Out[58]: <BusinessHour: BH=09:00-17:00>

# 2014-08-01 is Friday
In [59]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 10:00').weekday()
Out[59]: 4

In [60]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 10:00') + bh
Out[60]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 11:00:00')

# Below example is the same as: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 09:00') + bh
In [61]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 08:00') + bh
Out[61]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 10:00:00')

# If the results is on the end time, move to the next business day
In [62]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 16:00') + bh
Out[62]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 09:00:00')

# Remainings are added to the next day
In [63]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 16:30') + bh
Out[63]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 09:30:00')

# Adding 2 business hours
In [64]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 10:00') + BusinessHour(2)
Out[64]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 12:00:00')

# Subtracting 3 business hours
In [65]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 10:00') + BusinessHour(-3)
Out[65]: Timestamp('2014-07-31 15:00:00')

Also, you can specify start and end time by keywords. Argument must be str which has hour:minute representation or datetime.time instance. Specifying seconds, microseconds and nanoseconds as business hour results in ValueError.

In [66]: bh = BusinessHour(start='11:00', end=time(20, 0))

In [67]: bh
Out[67]: <BusinessHour: BH=11:00-20:00>

In [68]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 13:00') + bh
Out[68]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 14:00:00')

In [69]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 09:00') + bh
Out[69]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 12:00:00')

In [70]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 18:00') + bh
Out[70]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 19:00:00')

Passing start time later than end represents midnight business hour. In this case, business hour exceeds midnight and overlap to the next day. Valid business hours are distinguished by whether it started from valid BusinessDay.

In [71]: bh = BusinessHour(start='17:00', end='09:00')

In [72]: bh
Out[72]: <BusinessHour: BH=17:00-09:00>

In [73]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 17:00') + bh
Out[73]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 18:00:00')

In [74]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 23:00') + bh
Out[74]: Timestamp('2014-08-02 00:00:00')

# Although 2014-08-02 is Satuaday,
# it is valid because it starts from 08-01 (Friday).
In [75]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02 04:00') + bh
Out[75]: Timestamp('2014-08-02 05:00:00')

# Although 2014-08-04 is Monday,
# it is out of business hours because it starts from 08-03 (Sunday).
In [76]: pd.Timestamp('2014-08-04 04:00') + bh
Out[76]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 18:00:00')

Applying BusinessHour.rollforward and rollback to out of business hours results in the next business hour start or previous day’s end. Different from other offsets, BusinessHour.rollforward may output different results from apply by definition.

This is because one day’s business hour end is equal to next day’s business hour start. For example, under the default business hours (9:00 - 17:00), there is no gap (0 minutes) between 2014-08-01 17:00 and 2014-08-04 09:00.

# This adjusts a Timestamp to business hour edge
In [77]: BusinessHour().rollback(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02 15:00'))
Out[77]: Timestamp('2014-08-01 17:00:00')

In [78]: BusinessHour().rollforward(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02 15:00'))
Out[78]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 09:00:00')

# It is the same as BusinessHour().apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01 17:00')).
# And it is the same as BusinessHour().apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-04 09:00'))
In [79]: BusinessHour().apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02 15:00'))
Out[79]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 10:00:00')

# BusinessDay results (for reference)
In [80]: BusinessHour().rollforward(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02'))
Out[80]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 09:00:00')

# It is the same as BusinessDay().apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-01'))
# The result is the same as rollworward because BusinessDay never overlap.
In [81]: BusinessHour().apply(pd.Timestamp('2014-08-02'))
Out[81]: Timestamp('2014-08-04 10:00:00')

BusinessHour regards Saturday and Sunday as holidays. To use arbitrary holidays, you can use CustomBusinessHour offset, see Custom Business Hour:

8.5 Custom Business Hour

New in version 0.18.1.

The CustomBusinessHour is a mixture of BusinessHour and CustomBusinessDay which allows you to specify arbitrary holidays. CustomBusinessHour works as the same as BusinessHour except that it skips specified custom holidays.

In [82]: from pandas.tseries.holiday import USFederalHolidayCalendar

In [83]: bhour_us = CustomBusinessHour(calendar=USFederalHolidayCalendar())

# Friday before MLK Day
In [84]: dt = datetime(2014, 1, 17, 15)

In [85]: dt + bhour_us
Out[85]: Timestamp('2014-01-17 16:00:00')

# Tuesday after MLK Day (Monday is skipped because it's a holiday)
In [86]: dt + bhour_us * 2
Out[86]: Timestamp('2014-01-21 09:00:00')

You can use keyword arguments suported by either BusinessHour and CustomBusinessDay.

In [87]: bhour_mon = CustomBusinessHour(start='10:00', weekmask='Tue Wed Thu Fri')

# Monday is skipped because it's a holiday, business hour starts from 10:00
In [88]: dt + bhour_mon * 2
Out[88]: Timestamp('2014-01-21 10:00:00')

8.6 Offset Aliases

A number of string aliases are given to useful common time series frequencies. We will refer to these aliases as offset aliases (referred to as time rules prior to v0.8.0).

Alias Description
B business day frequency
C custom business day frequency (experimental)
D calendar day frequency
W weekly frequency
M month end frequency
SM semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM business month end frequency
CBM custom business month end frequency
MS month start frequency
SMS semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS business month start frequency
CBMS custom business month start frequency
Q quarter end frequency
BQ business quarter endfrequency
QS quarter start frequency
BQS business quarter start frequency
A year end frequency
BA business year end frequency
AS year start frequency
BAS business year start frequency
BH business hour frequency
H hourly frequency
T, min minutely frequency
S secondly frequency
L, ms milliseconds
U, us microseconds
N nanoseconds

8.7 Combining Aliases

As we have seen previously, the alias and the offset instance are fungible in most functions:

In [89]: pd.date_range(start, periods=5, freq='B')
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-03', '2011-01-04', '2011-01-05', '2011-01-06',
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='B')

In [90]: pd.date_range(start, periods=5, freq=BDay())
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-03', '2011-01-04', '2011-01-05', '2011-01-06',
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='B')

You can combine together day and intraday offsets:

In [91]: pd.date_range(start, periods=10, freq='2h20min')
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 02:20:00',
               '2011-01-01 04:40:00', '2011-01-01 07:00:00',
               '2011-01-01 09:20:00', '2011-01-01 11:40:00',
               '2011-01-01 14:00:00', '2011-01-01 16:20:00',
               '2011-01-01 18:40:00', '2011-01-01 21:00:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='140T')

In [92]: pd.date_range(start, periods=10, freq='1D10U')
DatetimeIndex([       '2011-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-02 00:00:00.000010',
               '2011-01-03 00:00:00.000020', '2011-01-04 00:00:00.000030',
               '2011-01-05 00:00:00.000040', '2011-01-06 00:00:00.000050',
               '2011-01-07 00:00:00.000060', '2011-01-08 00:00:00.000070',
               '2011-01-09 00:00:00.000080', '2011-01-10 00:00:00.000090'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='86400000010U')

8.8 Anchored Offsets

For some frequencies you can specify an anchoring suffix:

Alias Description
W-SUN weekly frequency (sundays). Same as ‘W’
W-MON weekly frequency (mondays)
W-TUE weekly frequency (tuesdays)
W-WED weekly frequency (wednesdays)
W-THU weekly frequency (thursdays)
W-FRI weekly frequency (fridays)
W-SAT weekly frequency (saturdays)
(B)Q(S)-DEC quarterly frequency, year ends in December. Same as ‘Q’
(B)Q(S)-JAN quarterly frequency, year ends in January
(B)Q(S)-FEB quarterly frequency, year ends in February
(B)Q(S)-MAR quarterly frequency, year ends in March
(B)Q(S)-APR quarterly frequency, year ends in April
(B)Q(S)-MAY quarterly frequency, year ends in May
(B)Q(S)-JUN quarterly frequency, year ends in June
(B)Q(S)-JUL quarterly frequency, year ends in July
(B)Q(S)-AUG quarterly frequency, year ends in August
(B)Q(S)-SEP quarterly frequency, year ends in September
(B)Q(S)-OCT quarterly frequency, year ends in October
(B)Q(S)-NOV quarterly frequency, year ends in November
(B)A(S)-DEC annual frequency, anchored end of December. Same as ‘A’
(B)A(S)-JAN annual frequency, anchored end of January
(B)A(S)-FEB annual frequency, anchored end of February
(B)A(S)-MAR annual frequency, anchored end of March
(B)A(S)-APR annual frequency, anchored end of April
(B)A(S)-MAY annual frequency, anchored end of May
(B)A(S)-JUN annual frequency, anchored end of June
(B)A(S)-JUL annual frequency, anchored end of July
(B)A(S)-AUG annual frequency, anchored end of August
(B)A(S)-SEP annual frequency, anchored end of September
(B)A(S)-OCT annual frequency, anchored end of October
(B)A(S)-NOV annual frequency, anchored end of November

These can be used as arguments to date_range, bdate_range, constructors for DatetimeIndex, as well as various other timeseries-related functions in pandas.

8.9 Anchored Offset Semantics

For those offsets that are anchored to the start or end of specific frequency (MonthEnd, MonthBegin, WeekEnd, etc) the following rules apply to rolling forward and backwards.

When n is not 0, if the given date is not on an anchor point, it snapped to the next(previous) anchor point, and moved |n|-1 additional steps forwards or backwards.

In [93]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') + MonthBegin(n=1)
Out[93]: Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00')

In [94]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') + MonthEnd(n=1)
Out[94]: Timestamp('2014-01-31 00:00:00')

In [95]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') - MonthBegin(n=1)
Out[95]: Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00')

In [96]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') - MonthEnd(n=1)
Out[96]: Timestamp('2013-12-31 00:00:00')

In [97]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') + MonthBegin(n=4)
Out[97]: Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00')

In [98]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') - MonthBegin(n=4)
Out[98]: Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00')

If the given date is on an anchor point, it is moved |n| points forwards or backwards.

In [99]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01') + MonthBegin(n=1)
Out[99]: Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00')

In [100]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-31') + MonthEnd(n=1)
Out[100]: Timestamp('2014-02-28 00:00:00')

In [101]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01') - MonthBegin(n=1)
Out[101]: Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00')

In [102]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-31') - MonthEnd(n=1)
Out[102]: Timestamp('2013-12-31 00:00:00')

In [103]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01') + MonthBegin(n=4)
Out[103]: Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00')

In [104]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-31') - MonthBegin(n=4)
Out[104]: Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00')

For the case when n=0, the date is not moved if on an anchor point, otherwise it is rolled forward to the next anchor point.

In [105]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') + MonthBegin(n=0)
Out[105]: Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00')

In [106]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02') + MonthEnd(n=0)
Out[106]: Timestamp('2014-01-31 00:00:00')

In [107]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01') + MonthBegin(n=0)
Out[107]: Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00')

In [108]: pd.Timestamp('2014-01-31') + MonthEnd(n=0)
Out[108]: Timestamp('2014-01-31 00:00:00')

8.10 Holidays / Holiday Calendars

Holidays and calendars provide a simple way to define holiday rules to be used with CustomBusinessDay or in other analysis that requires a predefined set of holidays. The AbstractHolidayCalendar class provides all the necessary methods to return a list of holidays and only rules need to be defined in a specific holiday calendar class. Further, start_date and end_date class attributes determine over what date range holidays are generated. These should be overwritten on the AbstractHolidayCalendar class to have the range apply to all calendar subclasses. USFederalHolidayCalendar is the only calendar that exists and primarily serves as an example for developing other calendars.

For holidays that occur on fixed dates (e.g., US Memorial Day or July 4th) an observance rule determines when that holiday is observed if it falls on a weekend or some other non-observed day. Defined observance rules are:

Rule Description
nearest_workday move Saturday to Friday and Sunday to Monday
sunday_to_monday move Sunday to following Monday
next_monday_or_tuesday move Saturday to Monday and Sunday/Monday to Tuesday
previous_friday move Saturday and Sunday to previous Friday”
next_monday move Saturday and Sunday to following Monday

An example of how holidays and holiday calendars are defined:

In [109]: from pandas.tseries.holiday import Holiday, USMemorialDay,\
   .....:     AbstractHolidayCalendar, nearest_workday, MO

In [110]: class ExampleCalendar(AbstractHolidayCalendar):
   .....:     rules = [
   .....:         USMemorialDay,
   .....:         Holiday('July 4th', month=7, day=4, observance=nearest_workday),
   .....:         Holiday('Columbus Day', month=10, day=1,
   .....:             offset=DateOffset(weekday=MO(2))), #same as 2*Week(weekday=2)
   .....:         ]

In [111]: cal = ExampleCalendar()

In [112]: cal.holidays(datetime(2012, 1, 1), datetime(2012, 12, 31))
Out[112]: DatetimeIndex(['2012-05-28', '2012-07-04', '2012-10-08'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Using this calendar, creating an index or doing offset arithmetic skips weekends and holidays (i.e., Memorial Day/July 4th). For example, the below defines a custom business day offset using the ExampleCalendar. Like any other offset, it can be used to create a DatetimeIndex or added to datetime or Timestamp objects.

In [113]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import CDay

In [114]: pd.DatetimeIndex(start='7/1/2012', end='7/10/2012',
   .....:     freq=CDay(calendar=cal)).to_pydatetime()
array([datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 3, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 6, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 9, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 10, 0, 0)], dtype=object)

In [115]: offset = CustomBusinessDay(calendar=cal)

In [116]: datetime(2012, 5, 25) + offset
Out[116]: Timestamp('2012-05-29 00:00:00')

In [117]: datetime(2012, 7, 3) + offset
Out[117]: Timestamp('2012-07-05 00:00:00')

In [118]: datetime(2012, 7, 3) + 2 * offset
Out[118]: Timestamp('2012-07-06 00:00:00')

In [119]: datetime(2012, 7, 6) + offset
Out[119]: Timestamp('2012-07-09 00:00:00')

Ranges are defined by the start_date and end_date class attributes of AbstractHolidayCalendar. The defaults are below.

In [120]: AbstractHolidayCalendar.start_date
Out[120]: Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00')

In [121]: AbstractHolidayCalendar.end_date
Out[121]: Timestamp('2030-12-31 00:00:00')

These dates can be overwritten by setting the attributes as datetime/Timestamp/string.

In [122]: AbstractHolidayCalendar.start_date = datetime(2012, 1, 1)

In [123]: AbstractHolidayCalendar.end_date = datetime(2012, 12, 31)

In [124]: cal.holidays()
Out[124]: DatetimeIndex(['2012-05-28', '2012-07-04', '2012-10-08'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Every calendar class is accessible by name using the get_calendar function which returns a holiday class instance. Any imported calendar class will automatically be available by this function. Also, HolidayCalendarFactory provides an easy interface to create calendars that are combinations of calendars or calendars with additional rules.

In [125]: from pandas.tseries.holiday import get_calendar, HolidayCalendarFactory,\
   .....:     USLaborDay

In [126]: cal = get_calendar('ExampleCalendar')

In [127]: cal.rules
[Holiday: MemorialDay (month=5, day=31, offset=<DateOffset: kwds={'weekday': MO(-1)}>),
 Holiday: July 4th (month=7, day=4, observance=<function nearest_workday at 0x2b6c3c198e60>),
 Holiday: Columbus Day (month=10, day=1, offset=<DateOffset: kwds={'weekday': MO(+2)}>)]

In [128]: new_cal = HolidayCalendarFactory('NewExampleCalendar', cal, USLaborDay)

In [129]: new_cal.rules
[Holiday: Labor Day (month=9, day=1, offset=<DateOffset: kwds={'weekday': MO(+1)}>),
 Holiday: Columbus Day (month=10, day=1, offset=<DateOffset: kwds={'weekday': MO(+2)}>),
 Holiday: July 4th (month=7, day=4, observance=<function nearest_workday at 0x2b6c3c198e60>),
 Holiday: MemorialDay (month=5, day=31, offset=<DateOffset: kwds={'weekday': MO(-1)}>)]