
class pandas.TimedeltaIndex[source]

Immutable ndarray of timedelta64 data, represented internally as int64, and which can be boxed to timedelta objects


data : array-like (1-dimensional), optional

Optional timedelta-like data to construct index with

unit: unit of the arg (D,h,m,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, optional

which is an integer/float number

freq: a frequency for the index, optional

copy : bool

Make a copy of input ndarray

start : starting value, timedelta-like, optional

If data is None, start is used as the start point in generating regular timedelta data.

periods : int, optional, > 0

Number of periods to generate, if generating index. Takes precedence over end argument

end : end time, timedelta-like, optional

If periods is none, generated index will extend to first conforming time on or just past end argument

closed : string or None, default None

Make the interval closed with respect to the given frequency to the ‘left’, ‘right’, or both sides (None)

name : object

Name to be stored in the index

To learn more about the frequency strings, please see `this link
