Source code for pandas.core.panel

Contains data structures designed for manipulating panel (3-dimensional) data
# pylint: disable=E1103,W0231,W0212,W0621
from __future__ import division

import warnings

import numpy as np

from pandas.types.cast import (_infer_dtype_from_scalar,
from pandas.types.common import (is_integer, is_list_like,
                                 is_string_like, is_scalar)
from pandas.types.missing import notnull

import pandas.computation.expressions as expressions
import pandas.core.common as com
import pandas.core.ops as ops
import pandas.core.missing as missing
from pandas import compat
from pandas.compat import (map, zip, range, u, OrderedDict, OrderedDefaultdict)
from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv
from pandas.core.categorical import Categorical
from pandas.core.common import PandasError, _try_sort, _default_index
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
from pandas.core.generic import NDFrame, _shared_docs
from pandas.core.index import (Index, MultiIndex, _ensure_index,
from pandas.formats.printing import pprint_thing
from pandas.core.indexing import maybe_droplevels
from pandas.core.internals import (BlockManager,
from pandas.core.ops import _op_descriptions
from pandas.core.series import Series
from import cartesian_product
from pandas.util.decorators import (deprecate, Appender, deprecate_kwarg)

_shared_doc_kwargs = dict(
    axes='items, major_axis, minor_axis',
    axes_single_arg="{0, 1, 2, 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'}")
_shared_doc_kwargs['args_transpose'] = ("three positional arguments: each one"
                                        "of\n%s" %

def _ensure_like_indices(time, panels):
    Makes sure that time and panels are conformable
    n_time = len(time)
    n_panel = len(panels)
    u_panels = np.unique(panels)  # this sorts!
    u_time = np.unique(time)
    if len(u_time) == n_time:
        time = np.tile(u_time, len(u_panels))
    if len(u_panels) == n_panel:
        panels = np.repeat(u_panels, len(u_time))
    return time, panels

def panel_index(time, panels, names=None):
    Returns a multi-index suitable for a panel-like DataFrame

    time : array-like
        Time index, does not have to repeat
    panels : array-like
        Panel index, does not have to repeat
    names : list, optional
        List containing the names of the indices

    multi_index : MultiIndex
        Time index is the first level, the panels are the second level.

    >>> years = range(1960,1963)
    >>> panels = ['A', 'B', 'C']
    >>> panel_idx = panel_index(years, panels)
    >>> panel_idx
    MultiIndex([(1960, 'A'), (1961, 'A'), (1962, 'A'), (1960, 'B'),
                (1961, 'B'), (1962, 'B'), (1960, 'C'), (1961, 'C'),
                (1962, 'C')], dtype=object)


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> years = np.repeat(range(1960,1963), 3)
    >>> panels = np.tile(['A', 'B', 'C'], 3)
    >>> panel_idx = panel_index(years, panels)
    >>> panel_idx
    MultiIndex([(1960, 'A'), (1960, 'B'), (1960, 'C'), (1961, 'A'),
                (1961, 'B'), (1961, 'C'), (1962, 'A'), (1962, 'B'),
                (1962, 'C')], dtype=object)
    if names is None:
        names = ['time', 'panel']
    time, panels = _ensure_like_indices(time, panels)
    time_factor = Categorical.from_array(time, ordered=True)
    panel_factor = Categorical.from_array(panels, ordered=True)

    labels = [,]
    levels = [time_factor.categories, panel_factor.categories]
    return MultiIndex(levels, labels, sortorder=None, names=names,

[docs]class Panel(NDFrame): """ Represents wide format panel data, stored as 3-dimensional array Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (items x major x minor), or dict of DataFrames items : Index or array-like axis=0 major_axis : Index or array-like axis=1 minor_axis : Index or array-like axis=2 dtype : dtype, default None Data type to force, otherwise infer copy : boolean, default False Copy data from inputs. Only affects DataFrame / 2d ndarray input """ @property def _constructor(self): return type(self) _constructor_sliced = DataFrame def __init__(self, data=None, items=None, major_axis=None, minor_axis=None, copy=False, dtype=None): self._init_data(data=data, items=items, major_axis=major_axis, minor_axis=minor_axis, copy=copy, dtype=dtype) def _init_data(self, data, copy, dtype, **kwargs): """ Generate ND initialization; axes are passed as required objects to __init__ """ if data is None: data = {} if dtype is not None: dtype = self._validate_dtype(dtype) passed_axes = [kwargs.pop(a, None) for a in self._AXIS_ORDERS] if kwargs: raise TypeError('_init_data() got an unexpected keyword ' 'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) axes = None if isinstance(data, BlockManager): if any(x is not None for x in passed_axes): axes = [x if x is not None else y for x, y in zip(passed_axes, data.axes)] mgr = data elif isinstance(data, dict): mgr = self._init_dict(data, passed_axes, dtype=dtype) copy = False dtype = None elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)): mgr = self._init_matrix(data, passed_axes, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) copy = False dtype = None elif is_scalar(data) and all(x is not None for x in passed_axes): if dtype is None: dtype, data = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(data) values = np.empty([len(x) for x in passed_axes], dtype=dtype) values.fill(data) mgr = self._init_matrix(values, passed_axes, dtype=dtype, copy=False) copy = False else: # pragma: no cover raise PandasError('Panel constructor not properly called!') NDFrame.__init__(self, mgr, axes=axes, copy=copy, dtype=dtype) def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None): haxis = axes.pop(self._info_axis_number) # prefilter if haxis passed if haxis is not None: haxis = _ensure_index(haxis) data = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in compat.iteritems(data) if k in haxis) else: ks = list(data.keys()) if not isinstance(data, OrderedDict): ks = _try_sort(ks) haxis = Index(ks) for k, v in compat.iteritems(data): if isinstance(v, dict): data[k] = self._constructor_sliced(v) # extract axis for remaining axes & create the slicemap raxes = [self._extract_axis(self, data, axis=i) if a is None else a for i, a in enumerate(axes)] raxes_sm = self._extract_axes_for_slice(self, raxes) # shallow copy arrays = [] haxis_shape = [len(a) for a in raxes] for h in haxis: v = values = data.get(h) if v is None: values = np.empty(haxis_shape, dtype=dtype) values.fill(np.nan) elif isinstance(v, self._constructor_sliced): d = raxes_sm.copy() d['copy'] = False v = v.reindex(**d) if dtype is not None: v = v.astype(dtype) values = v.values arrays.append(values) return self._init_arrays(arrays, haxis, [haxis] + raxes) def _init_arrays(self, arrays, arr_names, axes): return create_block_manager_from_arrays(arrays, arr_names, axes) @classmethod
[docs] def from_dict(cls, data, intersect=False, orient='items', dtype=None): """ Construct Panel from dict of DataFrame objects Parameters ---------- data : dict {field : DataFrame} intersect : boolean Intersect indexes of input DataFrames orient : {'items', 'minor'}, default 'items' The "orientation" of the data. If the keys of the passed dict should be the items of the result panel, pass 'items' (default). Otherwise if the columns of the values of the passed DataFrame objects should be the items (which in the case of mixed-dtype data you should do), instead pass 'minor' dtype : dtype, default None Data type to force, otherwise infer Returns ------- Panel """ orient = orient.lower() if orient == 'minor': new_data = OrderedDefaultdict(dict) for col, df in compat.iteritems(data): for item, s in compat.iteritems(df): new_data[item][col] = s data = new_data elif orient != 'items': # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Orientation must be one of {items, minor}.') d = cls._homogenize_dict(cls, data, intersect=intersect, dtype=dtype) ks = list(d['data'].keys()) if not isinstance(d['data'], OrderedDict): ks = list(sorted(ks)) d[cls._info_axis_name] = Index(ks) return cls(**d)
def __getitem__(self, key): key = com._apply_if_callable(key, self) if isinstance(self._info_axis, MultiIndex): return self._getitem_multilevel(key) if not (is_list_like(key) or isinstance(key, slice)): return super(Panel, self).__getitem__(key) return self.ix[key] def _getitem_multilevel(self, key): info = self._info_axis loc = info.get_loc(key) if isinstance(loc, (slice, np.ndarray)): new_index = info[loc] result_index = maybe_droplevels(new_index, key) slices = [loc] + [slice(None) for x in range(self._AXIS_LEN - 1)] new_values = self.values[slices] d = self._construct_axes_dict(self._AXIS_ORDERS[1:]) d[self._info_axis_name] = result_index result = self._constructor(new_values, **d) return result else: return self._get_item_cache(key) def _init_matrix(self, data, axes, dtype=None, copy=False): values = self._prep_ndarray(self, data, copy=copy) if dtype is not None: try: values = values.astype(dtype) except Exception: raise ValueError('failed to cast to %s' % dtype) shape = values.shape fixed_axes = [] for i, ax in enumerate(axes): if ax is None: ax = _default_index(shape[i]) else: ax = _ensure_index(ax) fixed_axes.append(ax) return create_block_manager_from_blocks([values], fixed_axes) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comparison methods def _compare_constructor(self, other, func): if not self._indexed_same(other): raise Exception('Can only compare identically-labeled ' 'same type objects') new_data = {} for col in self._info_axis: new_data[col] = func(self[col], other[col]) d = self._construct_axes_dict(copy=False) return self._constructor(data=new_data, **d) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Magic methods def __unicode__(self): """ Return a string representation for a particular Panel Invoked by unicode(df) in py2 only. Yields a Unicode String in both py2/py3. """ class_name = str(self.__class__) shape = self.shape dims = u('Dimensions: %s') % ' x '.join( ["%d (%s)" % (s, a) for a, s in zip(self._AXIS_ORDERS, shape)]) def axis_pretty(a): v = getattr(self, a) if len(v) > 0: return u('%s axis: %s to %s') % (a.capitalize(), pprint_thing(v[0]), pprint_thing(v[-1])) else: return u('%s axis: None') % a.capitalize() output = '\n'.join( [class_name, dims] + [axis_pretty(a) for a in self._AXIS_ORDERS]) return output def _get_plane_axes_index(self, axis): """ Get my plane axes indexes: these are already (as compared with higher level planes), as we are returning a DataFrame axes indexes """ axis_name = self._get_axis_name(axis) if axis_name == 'major_axis': index = 'minor_axis' columns = 'items' if axis_name == 'minor_axis': index = 'major_axis' columns = 'items' elif axis_name == 'items': index = 'major_axis' columns = 'minor_axis' return index, columns def _get_plane_axes(self, axis): """ Get my plane axes indexes: these are already (as compared with higher level planes), as we are returning a DataFrame axes """ return [self._get_axis(axi) for axi in self._get_plane_axes_index(axis)] fromDict = from_dict
[docs] def to_sparse(self, *args, **kwargs): """ NOT IMPLEMENTED: do not call this method, as sparsifying is not supported for Panel objects and will raise an error. Convert to SparsePanel """ raise NotImplementedError("sparsifying is not supported " "for Panel objects")
[docs] def to_excel(self, path, na_rep='', engine=None, **kwargs): """ Write each DataFrame in Panel to a separate excel sheet Parameters ---------- path : string or ExcelWriter object File path or existing ExcelWriter na_rep : string, default '' Missing data representation engine : string, default None write engine to use - you can also set this via the options ``io.excel.xlsx.writer``, ``io.excel.xls.writer``, and ``io.excel.xlsm.writer``. Other Parameters ---------------- float_format : string, default None Format string for floating point numbers cols : sequence, optional Columns to write header : boolean or list of string, default True Write out column names. If a list of string is given it is assumed to be aliases for the column names index : boolean, default True Write row names (index) index_label : string or sequence, default None Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is given, and `header` and `index` are True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex. startrow : upper left cell row to dump data frame startcol : upper left cell column to dump data frame Notes ----- Keyword arguments (and na_rep) are passed to the ``to_excel`` method for each DataFrame written. """ from import ExcelWriter if isinstance(path, compat.string_types): writer = ExcelWriter(path, engine=engine) else: writer = path kwargs['na_rep'] = na_rep for item, df in self.iteritems(): name = str(item) df.to_excel(writer, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_matrix(self): self._consolidate_inplace() return self._data.as_matrix()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Getting and setting elements
[docs] def get_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Quickly retrieve single value at (item, major, minor) location Parameters ---------- item : item label (panel item) major : major axis label (panel item row) minor : minor axis label (panel item column) takeable : interpret the passed labels as indexers, default False Returns ------- value : scalar value """ nargs = len(args) nreq = self._AXIS_LEN # require an arg for each axis if nargs != nreq: raise TypeError('There must be an argument for each axis, you gave' ' {0} args, but {1} are required'.format(nargs, nreq)) takeable = kwargs.pop('takeable', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('get_value() got an unexpected keyword ' 'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) if takeable is True: lower = self._iget_item_cache(args[0]) else: lower = self._get_item_cache(args[0]) return lower.get_value(*args[1:], takeable=takeable)
[docs] def set_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Quickly set single value at (item, major, minor) location Parameters ---------- item : item label (panel item) major : major axis label (panel item row) minor : minor axis label (panel item column) value : scalar takeable : interpret the passed labels as indexers, default False Returns ------- panel : Panel If label combo is contained, will be reference to calling Panel, otherwise a new object """ # require an arg for each axis and the value nargs = len(args) nreq = self._AXIS_LEN + 1 if nargs != nreq: raise TypeError('There must be an argument for each axis plus the ' 'value provided, you gave {0} args, but {1} are ' 'required'.format(nargs, nreq)) takeable = kwargs.pop('takeable', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('set_value() got an unexpected keyword ' 'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) try: if takeable is True: lower = self._iget_item_cache(args[0]) else: lower = self._get_item_cache(args[0]) lower.set_value(*args[1:], takeable=takeable) return self except KeyError: axes = self._expand_axes(args) d = self._construct_axes_dict_from(self, axes, copy=False) result = self.reindex(**d) args = list(args) likely_dtype, args[-1] = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(args[-1]) made_bigger = not np.array_equal(axes[0], self._info_axis) # how to make this logic simpler? if made_bigger: _possibly_cast_item(result, args[0], likely_dtype) return result.set_value(*args)
def _box_item_values(self, key, values): if self.ndim == values.ndim: result = self._constructor(values) # a dup selection will yield a full ndim if result._get_axis(0).is_unique: result = result[key] return result d = self._construct_axes_dict_for_slice(self._AXIS_ORDERS[1:]) return self._constructor_sliced(values, **d) def __setitem__(self, key, value): key = com._apply_if_callable(key, self) shape = tuple(self.shape) if isinstance(value, self._constructor_sliced): value = value.reindex( **self._construct_axes_dict_for_slice(self._AXIS_ORDERS[1:])) mat = value.values elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if value.shape != shape[1:]: raise ValueError('shape of value must be {0}, shape of given ' 'object was {1}'.format( shape[1:], tuple(map(int, value.shape)))) mat = np.asarray(value) elif is_scalar(value): dtype, value = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(value) mat = np.empty(shape[1:], dtype=dtype) mat.fill(value) else: raise TypeError('Cannot set item of type: %s' % str(type(value))) mat = mat.reshape(tuple([1]) + shape[1:]) NDFrame._set_item(self, key, mat) def _unpickle_panel_compat(self, state): # pragma: no cover "Unpickle the panel" _unpickle = com._unpickle_array vals, items, major, minor = state items = _unpickle(items) major = _unpickle(major) minor = _unpickle(minor) values = _unpickle(vals) wp = Panel(values, items, major, minor) self._data = wp._data
[docs] def conform(self, frame, axis='items'): """ Conform input DataFrame to align with chosen axis pair. Parameters ---------- frame : DataFrame axis : {'items', 'major', 'minor'} Axis the input corresponds to. E.g., if axis='major', then the frame's columns would be items, and the index would be values of the minor axis Returns ------- DataFrame """ axes = self._get_plane_axes(axis) return frame.reindex(**self._extract_axes_for_slice(self, axes))
[docs] def head(self, n=5): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tail(self, n=5): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def round(self, decimals=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Round each value in Panel to a specified number of decimal places. .. versionadded:: 0.18.0 Parameters ---------- decimals : int Number of decimal places to round to (default: 0). If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point. Returns ------- Panel object See Also -------- numpy.around """ nv.validate_round(args, kwargs) if is_integer(decimals): result = np.apply_along_axis(np.round, 0, self.values) return self._wrap_result(result, axis=0) raise TypeError("decimals must be an integer")
def _needs_reindex_multi(self, axes, method, level): """ don't allow a multi reindex on Panel or above ndim """ return False
[docs] def align(self, other, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dropna(self, axis=0, how='any', inplace=False): """ Drop 2D from panel, holding passed axis constant Parameters ---------- axis : int, default 0 Axis to hold constant. E.g. axis=1 will drop major_axis entries having a certain amount of NA data how : {'all', 'any'}, default 'any' 'any': one or more values are NA in the DataFrame along the axis. For 'all' they all must be. inplace : bool, default False If True, do operation inplace and return None. Returns ------- dropped : Panel """ axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) values = self.values mask = notnull(values) for ax in reversed(sorted(set(range(self._AXIS_LEN)) - set([axis]))): mask = mask.sum(ax) per_slice =[:axis] + values.shape[axis + 1:]) if how == 'all': cond = mask > 0 else: cond = mask == per_slice new_ax = self._get_axis(axis)[cond] result = self.reindex_axis(new_ax, axis=axis) if inplace: self._update_inplace(result) else: return result
def _combine(self, other, func, axis=0): if isinstance(other, Panel): return self._combine_panel(other, func) elif isinstance(other, DataFrame): return self._combine_frame(other, func, axis=axis) elif is_scalar(other): return self._combine_const(other, func) else: raise NotImplementedError("%s is not supported in combine " "operation with %s" % (str(type(other)), str(type(self)))) def _combine_const(self, other, func): new_values = func(self.values, other) d = self._construct_axes_dict() return self._constructor(new_values, **d) def _combine_frame(self, other, func, axis=0): index, columns = self._get_plane_axes(axis) axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) other = other.reindex(index=index, columns=columns) if axis == 0: new_values = func(self.values, other.values) elif axis == 1: new_values = func(self.values.swapaxes(0, 1), other.values.T) new_values = new_values.swapaxes(0, 1) elif axis == 2: new_values = func(self.values.swapaxes(0, 2), other.values) new_values = new_values.swapaxes(0, 2) return self._constructor(new_values, self.items, self.major_axis, self.minor_axis) def _combine_panel(self, other, func): items = self.items.union(other.items) major = self.major_axis.union(other.major_axis) minor = self.minor_axis.union(other.minor_axis) # could check that everything's the same size, but forget it this = self.reindex(items=items, major=major, minor=minor) other = other.reindex(items=items, major=major, minor=minor) result_values = func(this.values, other.values) return self._constructor(result_values, items, major, minor)
[docs] def major_xs(self, key): """ Return slice of panel along major axis Parameters ---------- key : object Major axis label Returns ------- y : DataFrame index -> minor axis, columns -> items Notes ----- major_xs is only for getting, not setting values. MultiIndex Slicers is a generic way to get/set values on any level or levels and is a superset of major_xs functionality, see :ref:`MultiIndex Slicers <advanced.mi_slicers>` """ return self.xs(key, axis=self._AXIS_LEN - 2)
[docs] def minor_xs(self, key): """ Return slice of panel along minor axis Parameters ---------- key : object Minor axis label Returns ------- y : DataFrame index -> major axis, columns -> items Notes ----- minor_xs is only for getting, not setting values. MultiIndex Slicers is a generic way to get/set values on any level or levels and is a superset of minor_xs functionality, see :ref:`MultiIndex Slicers <advanced.mi_slicers>` """ return self.xs(key, axis=self._AXIS_LEN - 1)
[docs] def xs(self, key, axis=1): """ Return slice of panel along selected axis Parameters ---------- key : object Label axis : {'items', 'major', 'minor}, default 1/'major' Returns ------- y : ndim(self)-1 Notes ----- xs is only for getting, not setting values. MultiIndex Slicers is a generic way to get/set values on any level or levels and is a superset of xs functionality, see :ref:`MultiIndex Slicers <advanced.mi_slicers>` """ axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) if axis == 0: return self[key] self._consolidate_inplace() axis_number = self._get_axis_number(axis) new_data = self._data.xs(key, axis=axis_number, copy=False) result = self._construct_return_type(new_data) copy = new_data.is_mixed_type result._set_is_copy(self, copy=copy) return result
_xs = xs def _ixs(self, i, axis=0): """ i : int, slice, or sequence of integers axis : int """ ax = self._get_axis(axis) key = ax[i] # xs cannot handle a non-scalar key, so just reindex here # if we have a multi-index and a single tuple, then its a reduction # (GH 7516) if not (isinstance(ax, MultiIndex) and isinstance(key, tuple)): if is_list_like(key): indexer = {self._get_axis_name(axis): key} return self.reindex(**indexer) # a reduction if axis == 0: values = self._data.iget(i) return self._box_item_values(key, values) # xs by position self._consolidate_inplace() new_data = self._data.xs(i, axis=axis, copy=True, takeable=True) return self._construct_return_type(new_data)
[docs] def groupby(self, function, axis='major'): """ Group data on given axis, returning GroupBy object Parameters ---------- function : callable Mapping function for chosen access axis : {'major', 'minor', 'items'}, default 'major' Returns ------- grouped : PanelGroupBy """ from pandas.core.groupby import PanelGroupBy axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) return PanelGroupBy(self, function, axis=axis)
[docs] def to_frame(self, filter_observations=True): """ Transform wide format into long (stacked) format as DataFrame whose columns are the Panel's items and whose index is a MultiIndex formed of the Panel's major and minor axes. Parameters ---------- filter_observations : boolean, default True Drop (major, minor) pairs without a complete set of observations across all the items Returns ------- y : DataFrame """ _, N, K = self.shape if filter_observations: # shaped like the return DataFrame mask = notnull(self.values).all(axis=0) # size = mask.sum() selector = mask.ravel() else: # size = N * K selector = slice(None, None) data = {} for item in self.items: data[item] = self[item].values.ravel()[selector] def construct_multi_parts(idx, n_repeat, n_shuffle=1): axis_idx = idx.to_hierarchical(n_repeat, n_shuffle) labels = [x[selector] for x in axis_idx.labels] levels = axis_idx.levels names = axis_idx.names return labels, levels, names def construct_index_parts(idx, major=True): levels = [idx] if major: labels = [np.arange(N).repeat(K)[selector]] names = or 'major' else: labels = np.arange(K).reshape(1, K)[np.zeros(N, dtype=int)] labels = [labels.ravel()[selector]] names = or 'minor' names = [names] return labels, levels, names if isinstance(self.major_axis, MultiIndex): major_labels, major_levels, major_names = construct_multi_parts( self.major_axis, n_repeat=K) else: major_labels, major_levels, major_names = construct_index_parts( self.major_axis) if isinstance(self.minor_axis, MultiIndex): minor_labels, minor_levels, minor_names = construct_multi_parts( self.minor_axis, n_repeat=N, n_shuffle=K) else: minor_labels, minor_levels, minor_names = construct_index_parts( self.minor_axis, major=False) levels = major_levels + minor_levels labels = major_labels + minor_labels names = major_names + minor_names index = MultiIndex(levels=levels, labels=labels, names=names, verify_integrity=False) return DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=self.items)
to_long = deprecate('to_long', to_frame) toLong = deprecate('toLong', to_frame)
[docs] def apply(self, func, axis='major', **kwargs): """ Applies function along axis (or axes) of the Panel Parameters ---------- func : function Function to apply to each combination of 'other' axes e.g. if axis = 'items', the combination of major_axis/minor_axis will each be passed as a Series; if axis = ('items', 'major'), DataFrames of items & major axis will be passed axis : {'items', 'minor', 'major'}, or {0, 1, 2}, or a tuple with two axes Additional keyword arguments will be passed as keywords to the function Examples -------- Returns a Panel with the square root of each element >>> p = pd.Panel(np.random.rand(4,3,2)) >>> p.apply(np.sqrt) Equivalent to p.sum(1), returning a DataFrame >>> p.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis=1) Equivalent to previous: >>> p.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis='minor') Return the shapes of each DataFrame over axis 2 (i.e the shapes of items x major), as a Series >>> p.apply(lambda x: x.shape, axis=(0,1)) Returns ------- result : Panel, DataFrame, or Series """ if kwargs and not isinstance(func, np.ufunc): f = lambda x: func(x, **kwargs) else: f = func # 2d-slabs if isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)) and len(axis) == 2: return self._apply_2d(f, axis=axis) axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) # try ufunc like if isinstance(f, np.ufunc): try: result = np.apply_along_axis(func, axis, self.values) return self._wrap_result(result, axis=axis) except (AttributeError): pass # 1d return self._apply_1d(f, axis=axis)
def _apply_1d(self, func, axis): axis_name = self._get_axis_name(axis) ndim = self.ndim values = self.values # iter thru the axes slice_axis = self._get_axis(axis) slice_indexer = [0] * (ndim - 1) indexer = np.zeros(ndim, 'O') indlist = list(range(ndim)) indlist.remove(axis) indexer[axis] = slice(None, None) indexer.put(indlist, slice_indexer) planes = [self._get_axis(axi) for axi in indlist] shape = np.array(self.shape).take(indlist) # all the iteration points points = cartesian_product(planes) results = [] for i in range( # construct the object pts = tuple([p[i] for p in points]) indexer.put(indlist, slice_indexer) obj = Series(values[tuple(indexer)], index=slice_axis, name=pts) result = func(obj) results.append(result) # increment the indexer slice_indexer[-1] += 1 n = -1 while (slice_indexer[n] >= shape[n]) and (n > (1 - ndim)): slice_indexer[n - 1] += 1 slice_indexer[n] = 0 n -= 1 # empty object if not len(results): return self._constructor(**self._construct_axes_dict()) # same ndim as current if isinstance(results[0], Series): arr = np.vstack([r.values for r in results]) arr = arr.T.reshape(tuple([len(slice_axis)] + list(shape))) tranp = np.array([axis] + indlist).argsort() arr = arr.transpose(tuple(list(tranp))) return self._constructor(arr, **self._construct_axes_dict()) # ndim-1 shape results = np.array(results).reshape(shape) if results.ndim == 2 and axis_name != self._info_axis_name: results = results.T planes = planes[::-1] return self._construct_return_type(results, planes) def _apply_2d(self, func, axis): """ handle 2-d slices, equiv to iterating over the other axis """ ndim = self.ndim axis = [self._get_axis_number(a) for a in axis] # construct slabs, in 2-d this is a DataFrame result indexer_axis = list(range(ndim)) for a in axis: indexer_axis.remove(a) indexer_axis = indexer_axis[0] slicer = [slice(None, None)] * ndim ax = self._get_axis(indexer_axis) results = [] for i, e in enumerate(ax): slicer[indexer_axis] = i sliced = self.iloc[tuple(slicer)] obj = func(sliced) results.append((e, obj)) return self._construct_return_type(dict(results)) def _reduce(self, op, name, axis=0, skipna=True, numeric_only=None, filter_type=None, **kwds): if numeric_only: raise NotImplementedError('Panel.{0} does not implement ' 'numeric_only.'.format(name)) axis_name = self._get_axis_name(axis) axis_number = self._get_axis_number(axis_name) f = lambda x: op(x, axis=axis_number, skipna=skipna, **kwds) result = f(self.values) axes = self._get_plane_axes(axis_name) if result.ndim == 2 and axis_name != self._info_axis_name: result = result.T return self._construct_return_type(result, axes) def _construct_return_type(self, result, axes=None): """ return the type for the ndim of the result """ ndim = getattr(result, 'ndim', None) # need to assume they are the same if ndim is None: if isinstance(result, dict): ndim = getattr(list(compat.itervalues(result))[0], 'ndim', 0) # have a dict, so top-level is +1 dim if ndim != 0: ndim += 1 # scalar if ndim == 0: return Series(result) # same as self elif self.ndim == ndim: # return the construction dictionary for these axes if axes is None: return self._constructor(result) return self._constructor(result, **self._construct_axes_dict()) # sliced elif self.ndim == ndim + 1: if axes is None: return self._constructor_sliced(result) return self._constructor_sliced( result, **self._extract_axes_for_slice(self, axes)) raise PandasError('invalid _construct_return_type [self->%s] ' '[result->%s]' % (self, result)) def _wrap_result(self, result, axis): axis = self._get_axis_name(axis) axes = self._get_plane_axes(axis) if result.ndim == 2 and axis != self._info_axis_name: result = result.T return self._construct_return_type(result, axes) @Appender(_shared_docs['reindex'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
[docs] def reindex(self, items=None, major_axis=None, minor_axis=None, **kwargs): major_axis = (major_axis if major_axis is not None else kwargs.pop('major', None)) minor_axis = (minor_axis if minor_axis is not None else kwargs.pop('minor', None)) return super(Panel, self).reindex(items=items, major_axis=major_axis, minor_axis=minor_axis, **kwargs)
@Appender(_shared_docs['rename'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
[docs] def rename(self, items=None, major_axis=None, minor_axis=None, **kwargs): major_axis = (major_axis if major_axis is not None else kwargs.pop('major', None)) minor_axis = (minor_axis if minor_axis is not None else kwargs.pop('minor', None)) return super(Panel, self).rename(items=items, major_axis=major_axis, minor_axis=minor_axis, **kwargs)
@Appender(_shared_docs['reindex_axis'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
[docs] def reindex_axis(self, labels, axis=0, method=None, level=None, copy=True, limit=None, fill_value=np.nan): return super(Panel, self).reindex_axis(labels=labels, axis=axis, method=method, level=level, copy=copy, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value)
@Appender(_shared_docs['transpose'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
[docs] def transpose(self, *args, **kwargs): # check if a list of axes was passed in instead as a # single *args element if (len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], '__iter__') and not is_string_like(args[0])): axes = args[0] else: axes = args if 'axes' in kwargs and axes: raise TypeError("transpose() got multiple values for " "keyword argument 'axes'") elif not axes: axes = kwargs.pop('axes', ()) return super(Panel, self).transpose(*axes, **kwargs)
@Appender(_shared_docs['fillna'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
[docs] def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, axis=None, inplace=False, limit=None, downcast=None, **kwargs): return super(Panel, self).fillna(value=value, method=method, axis=axis, inplace=inplace, limit=limit, downcast=downcast, **kwargs)
[docs] def count(self, axis='major'): """ Return number of observations over requested axis. Parameters ---------- axis : {'items', 'major', 'minor'} or {0, 1, 2} Returns ------- count : DataFrame """ i = self._get_axis_number(axis) values = self.values mask = np.isfinite(values) result = mask.sum(axis=i, dtype='int64') return self._wrap_result(result, axis)
@deprecate_kwarg(old_arg_name='lags', new_arg_name='periods')
[docs] def shift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis='major'): """ Shift index by desired number of periods with an optional time freq. The shifted data will not include the dropped periods and the shifted axis will be smaller than the original. This is different from the behavior of DataFrame.shift() Parameters ---------- periods : int Number of periods to move, can be positive or negative freq : DateOffset, timedelta, or time rule string, optional axis : {'items', 'major', 'minor'} or {0, 1, 2} Returns ------- shifted : Panel """ if freq: return self.tshift(periods, freq, axis=axis) return super(Panel, self).slice_shift(periods, axis=axis)
[docs] def tshift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis='major'): return super(Panel, self).tshift(periods, freq, axis)
[docs] def join(self, other, how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix=''): """ Join items with other Panel either on major and minor axes column Parameters ---------- other : Panel or list of Panels Index should be similar to one of the columns in this one how : {'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner'} How to handle indexes of the two objects. Default: 'left' for joining on index, None otherwise * left: use calling frame's index * right: use input frame's index * outer: form union of indexes * inner: use intersection of indexes lsuffix : string Suffix to use from left frame's overlapping columns rsuffix : string Suffix to use from right frame's overlapping columns Returns ------- joined : Panel """ from import concat if isinstance(other, Panel): join_major, join_minor = self._get_join_index(other, how) this = self.reindex(major=join_major, minor=join_minor) other = other.reindex(major=join_major, minor=join_minor) merged_data = this._data.merge(other._data, lsuffix, rsuffix) return self._constructor(merged_data) else: if lsuffix or rsuffix: raise ValueError('Suffixes not supported when passing ' 'multiple panels') if how == 'left': how = 'outer' join_axes = [self.major_axis, self.minor_axis] elif how == 'right': raise ValueError('Right join not supported with multiple ' 'panels') else: join_axes = None return concat([self] + list(other), axis=0, join=how, join_axes=join_axes, verify_integrity=True)
[docs] def update(self, other, join='left', overwrite=True, filter_func=None, raise_conflict=False): """ Modify Panel in place using non-NA values from passed Panel, or object coercible to Panel. Aligns on items Parameters ---------- other : Panel, or object coercible to Panel join : How to join individual DataFrames {'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner'}, default 'left' overwrite : boolean, default True If True then overwrite values for common keys in the calling panel filter_func : callable(1d-array) -> 1d-array<boolean>, default None Can choose to replace values other than NA. Return True for values that should be updated raise_conflict : bool If True, will raise an error if a DataFrame and other both contain data in the same place. """ if not isinstance(other, self._constructor): other = self._constructor(other) axis_name = self._info_axis_name axis_values = self._info_axis other = other.reindex(**{axis_name: axis_values}) for frame in axis_values: self[frame].update(other[frame], join, overwrite, filter_func, raise_conflict)
def _get_join_index(self, other, how): if how == 'left': join_major, join_minor = self.major_axis, self.minor_axis elif how == 'right': join_major, join_minor = other.major_axis, other.minor_axis elif how == 'inner': join_major = self.major_axis.intersection(other.major_axis) join_minor = self.minor_axis.intersection(other.minor_axis) elif how == 'outer': join_major = self.major_axis.union(other.major_axis) join_minor = self.minor_axis.union(other.minor_axis) return join_major, join_minor # miscellaneous data creation @staticmethod def _extract_axes(self, data, axes, **kwargs): """ return a list of the axis indicies """ return [self._extract_axis(self, data, axis=i, **kwargs) for i, a in enumerate(axes)] @staticmethod def _extract_axes_for_slice(self, axes): """ return the slice dictionary for these axes """ return dict([(self._AXIS_SLICEMAP[i], a) for i, a in zip( self._AXIS_ORDERS[self._AXIS_LEN - len(axes):], axes)]) @staticmethod def _prep_ndarray(self, values, copy=True): if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): values = np.asarray(values) # NumPy strings are a pain, convert to object if issubclass(values.dtype.type, compat.string_types): values = np.array(values, dtype=object, copy=True) else: if copy: values = values.copy() if values.ndim != self._AXIS_LEN: raise ValueError("The number of dimensions required is {0}, " "but the number of dimensions of the " "ndarray given was {1}".format(self._AXIS_LEN, values.ndim)) return values @staticmethod def _homogenize_dict(self, frames, intersect=True, dtype=None): """ Conform set of _constructor_sliced-like objects to either an intersection of indices / columns or a union. Parameters ---------- frames : dict intersect : boolean, default True Returns ------- dict of aligned results & indicies """ result = dict() # caller differs dict/ODict, presered type if isinstance(frames, OrderedDict): result = OrderedDict() adj_frames = OrderedDict() for k, v in compat.iteritems(frames): if isinstance(v, dict): adj_frames[k] = self._constructor_sliced(v) else: adj_frames[k] = v axes = self._AXIS_ORDERS[1:] axes_dict = dict([(a, ax) for a, ax in zip(axes, self._extract_axes( self, adj_frames, axes, intersect=intersect))]) reindex_dict = dict( [(self._AXIS_SLICEMAP[a], axes_dict[a]) for a in axes]) reindex_dict['copy'] = False for key, frame in compat.iteritems(adj_frames): if frame is not None: result[key] = frame.reindex(**reindex_dict) else: result[key] = None axes_dict['data'] = result axes_dict['dtype'] = dtype return axes_dict @staticmethod def _extract_axis(self, data, axis=0, intersect=False): index = None if len(data) == 0: index = Index([]) elif len(data) > 0: raw_lengths = [] indexes = [] have_raw_arrays = False have_frames = False for v in data.values(): if isinstance(v, self._constructor_sliced): have_frames = True indexes.append(v._get_axis(axis)) elif v is not None: have_raw_arrays = True raw_lengths.append(v.shape[axis]) if have_frames: index = _get_combined_index(indexes, intersect=intersect) if have_raw_arrays: lengths = list(set(raw_lengths)) if len(lengths) > 1: raise ValueError('ndarrays must match shape on axis %d' % axis) if have_frames: if lengths[0] != len(index): raise AssertionError('Length of data and index must match') else: index = Index(np.arange(lengths[0])) if index is None: index = Index([]) return _ensure_index(index) @classmethod def _add_aggregate_operations(cls, use_numexpr=True): """ add the operations to the cls; evaluate the doc strings again """ # doc strings substitors _agg_doc = """ Wrapper method for %%s Parameters ---------- other : %s or %s""" % (cls._constructor_sliced.__name__, cls.__name__) + """ axis : {""" + ', '.join(cls._AXIS_ORDERS) + "}" + """ Axis to broadcast over Returns ------- """ + cls.__name__ + "\n" def _panel_arith_method(op, name, str_rep=None, default_axis=None, fill_zeros=None, **eval_kwargs): def na_op(x, y): try: result = expressions.evaluate(op, str_rep, x, y, raise_on_error=True, **eval_kwargs) except TypeError: result = op(x, y) # handles discrepancy between numpy and numexpr on division/mod # by 0 though, given that these are generally (always?) # non-scalars, I'm not sure whether it's worth it at the moment result = missing.fill_zeros(result, x, y, name, fill_zeros) return result if name in _op_descriptions: op_name = name.replace('__', '') op_desc = _op_descriptions[op_name] if op_desc['reversed']: equiv = 'other ' + op_desc['op'] + ' panel' else: equiv = 'panel ' + op_desc['op'] + ' other' _op_doc = """ %%s of series and other, element-wise (binary operator `%%s`). Equivalent to ``%%s``. Parameters ---------- other : %s or %s""" % (cls._constructor_sliced.__name__, cls.__name__) + """ axis : {""" + ', '.join(cls._AXIS_ORDERS) + "}" + """ Axis to broadcast over Returns ------- """ + cls.__name__ + """ See also -------- """ + cls.__name__ + ".%s\n" doc = _op_doc % (op_desc['desc'], op_name, equiv, op_desc['reverse']) else: doc = _agg_doc % name @Appender(doc) def f(self, other, axis=0): return self._combine(other, na_op, axis=axis) f.__name__ = name return f # add `div`, `mul`, `pow`, etc.. ops.add_flex_arithmetic_methods( cls, _panel_arith_method, use_numexpr=use_numexpr, flex_comp_method=ops._comp_method_PANEL)
Panel._setup_axes(axes=['items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], info_axis=0, stat_axis=1, aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, slicers={'major_axis': 'index', 'minor_axis': 'columns'}) ops.add_special_arithmetic_methods(Panel, **ops.panel_special_funcs) Panel._add_aggregate_operations() Panel._add_numeric_operations() # legacy class WidePanel(Panel): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # deprecation, #10892 warnings.warn("WidePanel is deprecated. Please use Panel", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) super(WidePanel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class LongPanel(DataFrame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # deprecation, #10892 warnings.warn("LongPanel is deprecated. Please use DataFrame", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) super(LongPanel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)