Source code for pandas.tseries.base

Base and utility classes for tseries type pandas objects.

import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from pandas import compat
from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv

import numpy as np
from pandas.types.common import (is_integer, is_float,
                                 is_bool_dtype, _ensure_int64,
from pandas.types.generic import (ABCIndex, ABCSeries,
                                  ABCPeriodIndex, ABCIndexClass)
from pandas.types.missing import isnull
from pandas.core import common as com, algorithms
from pandas.core.common import AbstractMethodError

import pandas.formats.printing as printing
import pandas.tslib as tslib
import pandas._period as prlib
import pandas.lib as lib
from pandas.core.index import Index
from pandas.indexes.base import _index_shared_docs
from pandas.util.decorators import Appender, cache_readonly
import pandas.tseries.frequencies as frequencies
import pandas.algos as _algos

class DatelikeOps(object):
    """ common ops for DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex, but not TimedeltaIndex """

    def strftime(self, date_format):
        return np.asarray(self.format(date_format=date_format),
    strftime.__doc__ = """
    Return an array of formatted strings specified by date_format, which
    supports the same string format as the python standard library. Details
    of the string format can be found in `python string format doc <{0}>`__

    .. versionadded:: 0.17.0

    date_format : str
        date format string (e.g. "%Y-%m-%d")

    ndarray of formatted strings

class TimelikeOps(object):
    """ common ops for TimedeltaIndex/DatetimeIndex, but not PeriodIndex """

    _round_doc = (
        %s the index to the specified freq

        freq : freq string/object

        index of same type

        ValueError if the freq cannot be converted

    def _round(self, freq, rounder):

        from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset
        unit = to_offset(freq).nanos

        # round the local times
        values = _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(self)

        result = (unit * rounder(values / float(unit))).astype('i8')
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        if 'freq' in attribs:
            attribs['freq'] = None
        if 'tz' in attribs:
            attribs['tz'] = None
        return self._ensure_localized(
            self._shallow_copy(result, **attribs))

    @Appender(_round_doc % "round")
    def round(self, freq, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._round(freq, np.round)

    @Appender(_round_doc % "floor")
    def floor(self, freq):
        return self._round(freq, np.floor)

    @Appender(_round_doc % "floor")
    def ceil(self, freq):
        return self._round(freq, np.ceil)

class DatetimeIndexOpsMixin(object):
    """ common ops mixin to support a unified inteface datetimelike Index """

    def __iter__(self):
        return (self._box_func(v) for v in self.asi8)

    def _join_i8_wrapper(joinf, dtype, with_indexers=True):
        """ create the join wrapper methods """

        def wrapper(left, right):
            if isinstance(left, (np.ndarray, ABCIndex, ABCSeries)):
                left = left.view('i8')
            if isinstance(right, (np.ndarray, ABCIndex, ABCSeries)):
                right = right.view('i8')
            results = joinf(left, right)
            if with_indexers:
                join_index, left_indexer, right_indexer = results
                join_index = join_index.view(dtype)
                return join_index, left_indexer, right_indexer
            return results

        return wrapper

    def _evaluate_compare(self, other, op):
        We have been called because a comparison between
        8 aware arrays. numpy >= 1.11 will
        now warn about NaT comparisons

        # coerce to a similar object
        if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
            if not is_list_like(other):
                # scalar
                other = [other]
            elif is_scalar(lib.item_from_zerodim(other)):
                # ndarray scalar
                other = [other.item()]
            other = type(self)(other)

        # compare
        result = op(self.asi8, other.asi8)

        # technically we could support bool dtyped Index
        # for now just return the indexing array directly
        mask = (self._isnan) | (other._isnan)
        if is_bool_dtype(result):
            result[mask] = False
            return result
            result[mask] = tslib.iNaT
            return Index(result)
        except TypeError:
            return result

    def _ensure_localized(self, result):
        ensure that we are re-localized

        This is for compat as we can then call this on all datetimelike
        indexes generally (ignored for Period/Timedelta)

        result : DatetimeIndex / i8 ndarray

        localized DTI

        # reconvert to local tz
        if getattr(self, 'tz', None) is not None:
            if not isinstance(result, ABCIndexClass):
                result = self._simple_new(result)
            result = result.tz_localize(
        return result

    def _box_func(self):
        box function to get object from internal representation
        raise AbstractMethodError(self)

    def _box_values(self, values):
        apply box func to passed values
        return lib.map_infer(values, self._box_func)

    def groupby(self, f):
        objs = self.asobject.values
        return _algos.groupby_object(objs, f)

    def _format_with_header(self, header, **kwargs):
        return header + list(self._format_native_types(**kwargs))

    def __contains__(self, key):
            res = self.get_loc(key)
            return is_scalar(res) or type(res) == slice or np.any(res)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            return False

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        This getitem defers to the underlying array, which by-definition can
        only handle list-likes, slices, and integer scalars

        is_int = is_integer(key)
        if is_scalar(key) and not is_int:
            raise ValueError

        getitem = self._data.__getitem__
        if is_int:
            val = getitem(key)
            return self._box_func(val)
            if com.is_bool_indexer(key):
                key = np.asarray(key)
                if key.all():
                    key = slice(0, None, None)
                    key = lib.maybe_booleans_to_slice(key.view(np.uint8))

            attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()

            freq = None
            if isinstance(key, slice):
                if self.freq is not None and key.step is not None:
                    freq = key.step * self.freq
                    freq = self.freq
            attribs['freq'] = freq

            result = getitem(key)
            if result.ndim > 1:
                return result

            return self._simple_new(result, **attribs)

    def freqstr(self):
        Return the frequency object as a string if its set, otherwise None
        if self.freq is None:
            return None
        return self.freq.freqstr

    def inferred_freq(self):
        Trys to return a string representing a frequency guess,
        generated by infer_freq.  Returns None if it can't autodetect the
            return frequencies.infer_freq(self)
        except ValueError:
            return None

    def _nat_new(self, box=True):
        Return Index or ndarray filled with NaT which has the same
        length as the caller.

        box : boolean, default True
            - If True returns a Index as the same as caller.
            - If False returns ndarray of np.int64.
        result = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.int64)
        if not box:
            return result

        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        if not isinstance(self, ABCPeriodIndex):
            attribs['freq'] = None
        return self._simple_new(result, **attribs)

    # Try to run function on index first, and then on elements of index
    # Especially important for group-by functionality
    def map(self, f):
            result = f(self)
            if not isinstance(result, (np.ndarray, Index)):
                raise TypeError
            return result
        except Exception:
            return _algos.arrmap_object(self.asobject.values, f)

    def sort_values(self, return_indexer=False, ascending=True):
        Return sorted copy of Index
        if return_indexer:
            _as = self.argsort()
            if not ascending:
                _as = _as[::-1]
            sorted_index = self.take(_as)
            return sorted_index, _as
            sorted_values = np.sort(self.values)
            attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
            freq = attribs['freq']

            if freq is not None and not isinstance(self, ABCPeriodIndex):
                if freq.n > 0 and not ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
                elif freq.n < 0 and ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
            attribs['freq'] = freq

            if not ascending:
                sorted_values = sorted_values[::-1]

            return self._simple_new(sorted_values, **attribs)

    def take(self, indices, axis=0, allow_fill=True,
             fill_value=None, **kwargs):
        nv.validate_take(tuple(), kwargs)
        indices = _ensure_int64(indices)

        maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(self))
        if isinstance(maybe_slice, slice):
            return self[maybe_slice]

        taken = self._assert_take_fillable(self.asi8, indices,

        # keep freq in PeriodIndex, reset otherwise
        freq = self.freq if isinstance(self, ABCPeriodIndex) else None
        return self._shallow_copy(taken, freq=freq)

    def get_duplicates(self):
        values = Index.get_duplicates(self)
        return self._simple_new(values)

    def _isnan(self):
        """ return if each value is nan"""
        return (self.asi8 == tslib.iNaT)

    def hasnans(self):
        """ return if I have any nans; enables various perf speedups """
        return self._isnan.any()

    def asobject(self):
        return object Index which contains boxed values

        *this is an internal non-public method*
        from pandas.core.index import Index
        return Index(self._box_values(self.asi8),, dtype=object)

    def _convert_tolerance(self, tolerance):
            return tslib.Timedelta(tolerance).to_timedelta64()
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('tolerance argument for %s must be convertible '
                             'to Timedelta: %r'
                             % (type(self).__name__, tolerance))

    def _maybe_mask_results(self, result, fill_value=None, convert=None):
        result : a ndarray
        convert : string/dtype or None

        result : ndarray with values replace by the fill_value

        mask the result if needed, convert to the provided dtype if its not

        This is an internal routine

        if self.hasnans:
            if convert:
                result = result.astype(convert)
            if fill_value is None:
                fill_value = np.nan
            result[self._isnan] = fill_value
        return result

    def tolist(self):
        return a list of the underlying data
        return list(self.asobject)

    def min(self, axis=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the minimum value of the Index or minimum along
        an axis.

        See also
        nv.validate_min(args, kwargs)

            i8 = self.asi8

            # quick check
            if len(i8) and self.is_monotonic:
                if i8[0] != tslib.iNaT:
                    return self._box_func(i8[0])

            if self.hasnans:
                min_stamp = self[~self._isnan].asi8.min()
                min_stamp = i8.min()
            return self._box_func(min_stamp)
        except ValueError:
            return self._na_value

    def argmin(self, axis=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
        See `numpy.ndarray.argmin` for more information on the
        `axis` parameter.

        See also
        nv.validate_argmin(args, kwargs)

        i8 = self.asi8
        if self.hasnans:
            mask = self._isnan
            if mask.all():
                return -1
            i8 = i8.copy()
            i8[mask] = np.iinfo('int64').max
        return i8.argmin()

    def max(self, axis=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the maximum value of the Index or maximum along
        an axis.

        See also
        nv.validate_max(args, kwargs)

            i8 = self.asi8

            # quick check
            if len(i8) and self.is_monotonic:
                if i8[-1] != tslib.iNaT:
                    return self._box_func(i8[-1])

            if self.hasnans:
                max_stamp = self[~self._isnan].asi8.max()
                max_stamp = i8.max()
            return self._box_func(max_stamp)
        except ValueError:
            return self._na_value

    def argmax(self, axis=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
        See `numpy.ndarray.argmax` for more information on the
        `axis` parameter.

        See also
        nv.validate_argmax(args, kwargs)

        i8 = self.asi8
        if self.hasnans:
            mask = self._isnan
            if mask.all():
                return -1
            i8 = i8.copy()
            i8[mask] = 0
        return i8.argmax()

    def _formatter_func(self):
        raise AbstractMethodError(self)

    def _format_attrs(self):
        Return a list of tuples of the (attr,formatted_value)
        attrs = super(DatetimeIndexOpsMixin, self)._format_attrs()
        for attrib in self._attributes:
            if attrib == 'freq':
                freq = self.freqstr
                if freq is not None:
                    freq = "'%s'" % freq
                attrs.append(('freq', freq))
        return attrs

    def _resolution(self):
        return frequencies.Resolution.get_reso_from_freq(self.freqstr)

    def resolution(self):
        Returns day, hour, minute, second, millisecond or microsecond
        return frequencies.Resolution.get_str(self._resolution)

    def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None):
        we don't allow integer or float indexing on datetime-like when using

        key : label of the slice bound
        kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc'} or None

        assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc', None]

        # we don't allow integer/float indexing for loc
        # we don't allow float indexing for ix/getitem
        if is_scalar(key):
            is_int = is_integer(key)
            is_flt = is_float(key)
            if kind in ['loc'] and (is_int or is_flt):
                self._invalid_indexer('index', key)
            elif kind in ['ix', 'getitem'] and is_flt:
                self._invalid_indexer('index', key)

        return (super(DatetimeIndexOpsMixin, self)
                ._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind))

    def _add_datelike(self, other):
        raise AbstractMethodError(self)

    def _sub_datelike(self, other):
        raise AbstractMethodError(self)

    def _sub_period(self, other):
        return NotImplemented

    def _add_datetimelike_methods(cls):
        add in the datetimelike methods (as we may have to override the

        def __add__(self, other):
            from pandas.core.index import Index
            from pandas.tseries.tdi import TimedeltaIndex
            from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
            if isinstance(other, TimedeltaIndex):
                return self._add_delta(other)
            elif isinstance(self, TimedeltaIndex) and isinstance(other, Index):
                if hasattr(other, '_add_delta'):
                    return other._add_delta(self)
                raise TypeError("cannot add TimedeltaIndex and {typ}"
            elif isinstance(other, Index):
                warnings.warn("using '+' to provide set union with "
                              "datetimelike Indexes is deprecated, "
                              "use .union()", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
                return self.union(other)
            elif isinstance(other, (DateOffset, timedelta, np.timedelta64,
                return self._add_delta(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                return self.shift(other)
            elif isinstance(other, (tslib.Timestamp, datetime)):
                return self._add_datelike(other)
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented
        cls.__add__ = __add__
        cls.__radd__ = __add__

        def __sub__(self, other):
            from pandas.core.index import Index
            from pandas.tseries.tdi import TimedeltaIndex
            from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
            if isinstance(other, TimedeltaIndex):
                return self._add_delta(-other)
            elif isinstance(self, TimedeltaIndex) and isinstance(other, Index):
                if not isinstance(other, TimedeltaIndex):
                    raise TypeError("cannot subtract TimedeltaIndex and {typ}"
                return self._add_delta(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, Index):
                warnings.warn("using '-' to provide set differences with "
                              "datetimelike Indexes is deprecated, "
                              "use .difference()", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
                return self.difference(other)
            elif isinstance(other, (DateOffset, timedelta, np.timedelta64,
                return self._add_delta(-other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                return self.shift(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, (tslib.Timestamp, datetime)):
                return self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif isinstance(other, prlib.Period):
                return self._sub_period(other)
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented
        cls.__sub__ = __sub__

        def __rsub__(self, other):
            return -(self - other)
        cls.__rsub__ = __rsub__

        cls.__iadd__ = __add__
        cls.__isub__ = __sub__

    def _add_delta(self, other):
        return NotImplemented

    def _add_delta_td(self, other):
        # add a delta of a timedeltalike
        # return the i8 result view

        inc = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
        new_values = (self.asi8 + inc).view('i8')
        if self.hasnans:
            new_values[self._isnan] = tslib.iNaT
        return new_values.view('i8')

    def _add_delta_tdi(self, other):
        # add a delta of a TimedeltaIndex
        # return the i8 result view

        # delta operation
        if not len(self) == len(other):
            raise ValueError("cannot add indices of unequal length")

        self_i8 = self.asi8
        other_i8 = other.asi8
        new_values = self_i8 + other_i8
        if self.hasnans or other.hasnans:
            mask = (self._isnan) | (other._isnan)
            new_values[mask] = tslib.iNaT
        return new_values.view(self.dtype)

    def isin(self, values):
        Compute boolean array of whether each index value is found in the
        passed set of values

        values : set or sequence of values

        is_contained : ndarray (boolean dtype)
        if not isinstance(values, type(self)):
                values = type(self)(values)
            except ValueError:
                return self.asobject.isin(values)

        return algorithms.isin(self.asi8, values.asi8)

    def shift(self, n, freq=None):
        Specialized shift which produces a DatetimeIndex

        n : int
            Periods to shift by
        freq : DateOffset or timedelta-like, optional

        shifted : DatetimeIndex
        if freq is not None and freq != self.freq:
            if isinstance(freq, compat.string_types):
                freq = frequencies.to_offset(freq)
            offset = n * freq
            result = self + offset

            if hasattr(self, 'tz'):

            return result

        if n == 0:
            # immutable so OK
            return self

        if self.freq is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot shift with no freq")

        start = self[0] + n * self.freq
        end = self[-1] + n * self.freq
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs['start'] = start
        attribs['end'] = end
        return type(self)(**attribs)

    def unique(self):
        Index.unique with handling for DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex metadata

        result : DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex
        from pandas.core.index import Int64Index
        result = Int64Index.unique(self)
        return self._simple_new(result,, freq=self.freq,
                                tz=getattr(self, 'tz', None))

    def repeat(self, repeats, *args, **kwargs):
        Analogous to ndarray.repeat
        nv.validate_repeat(args, kwargs)
        return self._shallow_copy(self.values.repeat(repeats), freq=None)

    def where(self, cond, other=None):
        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

        Return an Index of same shape as self and whose corresponding
        entries are from self where cond is True and otherwise are from

        cond : boolean same length as self
        other : scalar, or array-like
        other = _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(other)
        values = _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(self)
        result = np.where(cond, values, other).astype('i8')

        result = self._ensure_localized(result)
        return self._shallow_copy(result,

    def summary(self, name=None):
        return a summarized representation
        formatter = self._formatter_func
        if len(self) > 0:
            index_summary = ', %s to %s' % (formatter(self[0]),
            index_summary = ''

        if name is None:
            name = type(self).__name__
        result = '%s: %s entries%s' % (printing.pprint_thing(name),
                                       len(self), index_summary)
        if self.freq:
            result += '\nFreq: %s' % self.freqstr

        # display as values, not quoted
        result = result.replace("'", "")
        return result

def _ensure_datetimelike_to_i8(other):
    """ helper for coercing an input scalar or array to i8 """
    if lib.isscalar(other) and isnull(other):
        other = tslib.iNaT
    elif isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
        # convert tz if needed
        if getattr(other, 'tz', None) is not None:
            other = other.tz_localize(None).asi8
            other = other.asi8
            other = np.array(other, copy=False).view('i8')
        except TypeError:
            # period array cannot be coerces to int
            other = Index(other).asi8
    return other